Friday, June 20, 2008

Baltimore archbishop demands greater accountability from religious order

National Catholic Reporter writer and analyst John Allen writes about and publishes a fascinating interview with the Archbishop of Baltimore, Edwin F. O'Brien, regarding the well-known and controversial Roman Catholic order, the "Legionaries of Christ." O'Brien was Archbishop for the Military Services of the United States from 1997-2007, when he was assigned to Baltimore.

For all of you who are concerned, have become weary of or have been effected by the continued secrecy, hypocrisy and self-righteousness of certain segments within the Roman Church, this is a "must-read." Already, the "Legionaries" were expelled from the St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese in late 2004.

I commend Archbishop O'Brien for taking the necessary steps to protect his people from possible unjust situations and to require accountability from those who operate within his archdiocese. The article, which begins below, speaks for itself.
Demanding what he calls greater “transparency and accountability” from the controversial religious order known as Legionaries of Christ and their associated lay movement, Regnum Christi, Archbishop Edwin O’Brien of Baltimore has directed both groups to disclose all activities within his archdiocese, and to refrain from one-on-one spiritual direction with anyone under 18.

The ban on counseling minors, O’Brien said in an interview with NCR on Wednesday, is related to concerns that the Legionaries and Regnum Christi practice “heavily persuasive methods on young people, especially high schoolers, regarding vocations.”

Both the Legionaries of Christ, a religious order of priests, and the lay-led Regnum Christi are typically seen as part of a galaxy of “new movements” within Catholicism. Both are known for missionary zeal, as well as staunch traditionalism in faith and practice.

In a June 11 interview on the margins of the spring meeting of the U.S. bishops in Orlando, Florida, O’Brien said he’s prepared to take the “next step” of barring the Legionaries and Regnum Christi from the archdiocese entirely if they do not comply.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Pentecost Message from Vladyka Mykhayil

Slava Isusu Khrystu!
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Gloria a Jesucristo!

Dear Faithful in Christ,

June 15, 2007

Today's holyday is always a special one for our people. It celebrates life and the continual gift of God's Spirit, the source of life. The color green which we use, signifies that we are alive and good, and full of the healthy presence of God within us.

God's Spirit brings excitement and today, we have much to be excited about. Our church, which we have shown others, not to be made of stone and wood, but of God's people themselves, celebrates its birthday. Our cathedral parish observes its annual patronal festival; and we remember and remind the world of 1020 years of Christian faith in our spiritual motherland, Ukraine. Indeed, these are things of which we are proud and excited.

The future is always right ahead of us and the past, just a short distance behind. Time passes quickly, but when we act in the Spirit of God, there is no separation of time - only the fullness of time.

As we gather today as the church, from throughout the greater New York City area, let us remember that God's Spirit is moving us onwards, with all of the gifts which that Spirit bestows - wisdom, knowledge, prudence, courage, understanding, justice, truth.

From our heart, we greet the worldwide Predstoyatel of our Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, His Beatitude, Vladyka Mefodiy, the Metropolitan of Kyiv & All Ukraine, asking for his fatherly blessing on this festive day.

We also extend our congratulations to Vladyka Roman of Vinnitsya, Vladyka Andriy of Ivano-Frankivsk and all of our bishops and priests in Ukraine. Our holiday best wishes are sent also to Archbishop Odon, together with our God-loving people in Latin America and all the clergy and faithful of our UAOC community, wherever they may be.

The words of the Amvon prayer for Pentecost speak of how the Lord sustained the disciples through the constant presence of the Spirit's many gifts. My prayer is that each of us, in our individual way, may light the world by using and promoting the gifts of the Spirit of God.

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,

Metropolitan of New York & America
Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church