Wednesday, September 17, 2008


See article at news

The Icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help calls Pilgrims to Mt. St. Macrina each year.

Vladyka Mykhayil with iconographer and ecclesiastical artist, Sr. Theodosia Alishofski, OSBM

Metropolitan Mykhayil visits with good friend, Sr. Isidore, OSBM, who directs the ecclesiastical sewing department.

Sister Isidore with the Metropolitan in the vestment studio. Born in Ukraine, Sister came to Trenton, NJ as a young girl.

Vladyka Mykhayil and Sister Isidore showing some of her exquisitely made vestments.

A Parastas was offered in Calvary Cemetery at the Mount, for all deceased hierarchy, clergy and faithful.

Many historical personages of the church in the USA are interred at Mt. Macrina Cemetery.

The candlelight procession from the cemetery to the shrine altar.

The candlelight procession from the cemetery to the shrine altar.

The Sunday morning Divine Liturgy in Church Slavonic is always a popular service with the pilgrims.

Vladyka Mykhayil visits with Ukrainian pilgrims from the East Coast.

His Eminence, Metropolitan Mykhayil with Ukrainian pilgrims from New York & New Jersey.

At the beginning of the pilgrimage, the "small blessing of water" takes place at the Lourdes Grotto.

A period mural in the Old Motherhouse shrine room.

The beautiful processional cross in the Old Motherhouse chapel was once carried by the nuns in processions during the pilgrimages.

Vladyka Mykhayil with former Basilian Superior General and childhood acquaintance, Sr. Alphonsa, OSBM.

Sister Vladimir Chabala, OSBM is a relative of parishioners from the Peekskill parish.

The beautiful iconostasis in the monastery chapel.

Before the icon of the Mother of God of Perpetual Help, Vladyka Mykhayil writes prayer intentions for the Sisters to remember in their daily Divine Liturgies and services.

Sister Sylvestra, OSBM once cared for the seminarians in Pittsburgh. Now, she is a resident at Mt. Macrina Manor, still encouraging people with her charm and prayerful heart.

Metropolitan Mykhayil and Fr. Jack Custer, professor at the Pittsburgh seminary.

With clergy friends.

Fr. Michael Wytish makes vestments for many hierarchs and priests.

Vladyka with very close friends, John and Dorothy Voloshyn of Perryopolis, PA.

Decorated crosses, in the Ukrainian tradition, lead the procession to the Pontifical altar.

The Metropolitan with Professor Andrew Huzinec of Perryopolis.

The processional crosses also contain banners identifying the parish which they represent.

The popular candlelight procession is the highlight of Sunday on the Mount.

The popular candlelight procession is the highlight of Sunday on the Mount.

The popular candlelight procession is the highlight of Sunday on the Mount.

The popular candlelight procession is the highlight of Sunday on the Mount.

The popular candlelight procession is the highlight of Sunday on the Mount.

The Metropolitan with his sister Edwina, brother-in-law Richard and cousin Laura Yafcak.

With Fr. John Mihalco, Prof. Huzinec, and cantor from Linden, NJ.

Vladyka with long time seminary friends Fr. Richard Whetstone and Fr. John Mihalco. Missing is Fr. David A. Hannes, who is recuperating from a heart attack.

With Myron, a pilgrim from New Jersey, who immigrated to the US from Mukachevo, Ukraine

Metropolitan Mykhayil with Protopresbyter Bryan R. Eyman of Ohio.

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