Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Read related news article on uaoc.org news.

The Brooklyn Bridge, a popular landmark in New York, was the very first thoroughfare to connect the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn, 125 years ago. Here the majestic towers are seen on the morning of September 21, 2008.

Father Kasyanov carries the Gospel Book during the Small Entrance procession.

The Metropolitan blesses the entrance and venerates the Gospel Book.

The clergy stand at the "high place" during the prokeimenon.

Vladyka Mykhayil chants the lesson from the Holy Gospel.

The Metropolitan commemorates the living and the deceased while the cherubic hymn is completed.

At the Great Entrance, His Eminence commemorates His Beatitude MEFODIY, Predstoyatel of the UAOC, the other bishops of our church, the clergy, religious and the intentions of all the faithful.

The Great Entrance.

The Symbol of Faith

"Let us lift up our hearts . . . "

Fr. Kasyanov assists the Metropolitan in putting on the small omophorion.

The faithful come forward to receive the bread of life and the cup of salvation.

"I will take the chalice of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord. Alleluia."

Metropolitan Mykhayil pronounces the dismissal of the Liturgy.

Father Kasyanov offers words of welcome to the Metropolitan.

While Fr. Yuriy speaks, Vladyka Mykhayil is seated at the throne behind the altar.

The beautiful "medovnyk" decorated with an icon of the Mother of God.

The "medovnyk" is blessed with a special prayer.

A group of the parish council gather with the Metropolitan and the pastor for a photo.

Metropolitan Mykhayil on the banks of the East River, with the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges in the background. Also visible is one of the artistic waterfalls that have graced lower New York during this past months.

The Statue of Liberty, symbol of the freedom, hospitality and justice for which the United States stands, is seen glistening in the sun of that late summer day, September 21, 2008.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Peekskill Diversity Project

Read article on uaoc.org news.

Interfaith Dinner Hosted by American Muslim Women's Association

Read related article on uaoc.org news.

Dr. Kareem Adeeb, Imam at the American Islamic Institution for Islamic and Arabic Studies gives the keynote address.

High School Student Nabeed Hassan speaks on the meaning of fasting.

Student Sabia Munshi tells the audience what fasting means to her.

A partial view of those in attendance.

Vladyka Mykhayil with other guests at the table.

Metropolitan Mykhayil joins members and guests for a photo.

The Metropolitan with American Muslim Women's Association president Fozia Khan and other officers.


Read related article on uaoc.org news.

At 8:30 a.m. on September 11, 2008, Mayor Mary Foster and the City of Peekskill held a memorial service at the Riverfront Green Park.
Members of the Fire Department serve as color guard. A bagpiper plays nearby.

The Rev. Jeanette Phillips of the Park Street AME Zion Church offers remarks.

Metropolitan Mykhayil addresses the crowd on the day's theme.

Metropolitan Mykhayil addresses the crowd on the day's theme. High school students stand at a distance, ready to play "taps."

Metropolitan Mykhayil addresses the crowd on the day's theme.

Metropolitan Mykhayil addresses the crowd on the day's theme.

The representation from the Peekskill Area Pastors Association - the Rev. Jeanette Phillips; Metropolitan Mykhayil, vice-president; Rabbi Lee Paskind, of the First Hebrew Congregation and the Rev. Dr. Mark Ioset, of the Peekskill Presbyterian Church, treasurer.

The PAPA members pause by the September 11 monument at Riverfront Green Park.

Vladyka Mykhayil speaks during the Rotary Club memorial service at 12:00 p.m.

Vladyka Mykhayil speaks during the Rotary Club memorial service at 12:00 p.m.

The Metropolitan speaks with Rotary Club president and member, Thomas Smith.

Diversity Task Force meets regularly to promote acceptance

Read article on uaoc.org news.

His Eminence, Metropolitan Mykhayil joins other members of the Cortlandt Diversity Taskforce for a photo with Town Supervisor Linda Puglisi (third from right), during a recent meeting. At the far left is task force chairperson, W. Garrison Jackson.

Vladyka Mykhayil serves on the committee as a representative of the Peekskill Area Pastors Association, an "ex-oficio" position. The Town of Cortlandt formed the task force to combat bias and acts of hate, and promote acceptance and diversity throughout the area.

Annual Blessing of Students

Read article at uaoc.org news.

The small entrance of the Divine Liturgy

A Panakhyda is celebrated for the 16th. anniversary of the repose of Fr. Alejilat's sister.

Metropolitan Mykhayil reads the prayer for the beginning of the school year.

The students are sprinkled with blessed water.

A festive cake was prepared to celebrate Pani Matka Rania's birthday.

Following liturgy, the students enjoyed a visit to the popular Beach Shopping Center.

Each student was presented with an icon-pendent of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, brought by the Metropolitan from the pilgrimage in Uniontown.

The young people show their medals of the Mother of God.